Frequently Asked Questions
About Applying
No, application is direct through this website, please click on the apply link and fill in the relevant form.
Yes, if you are considered to be the right fit for the course you are applying for then our admissions team will invite you to a zoom meeting to act as interview.
Our team will go through the delivery model and how it works, and what you can expect from an AMS Online course. You will be asked about your musical background and how you will suit the programme and you will also be able to ask any questions you may have.
No, it is more likely that you will be asked for video or audio links to back up your application, indeed there is a section on the form for this, and your links will have been watched before the interview if you have submitted any.
As a minimum you will need to provide evidence of previous qualifications and ID. You may also need to provide Fast Track evidence if applicable.
In broad strokes you will need a reliable DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and solid internet connection, webcam, headphones and microphone. There are a number of additional items you will find you need, and a full list of recommended equipment is sent out with offer letters. This is also discussed at the interview stage.
No. Distance learning courses do not enable registered students to become resident in the UK. They are intended to offer students from all over the world the opportunity to take the course online, not to relocate to the UK.
About Delivery
This is a very common question and is difficult to put an exact figure on because AMSonline students all have different strengths when they join the programmes. If you study performance for example and you are already a seasoned performer with years of experience, then you will probably spend less time working on that module than a student with less experience. By the same token if you are less experienced using a DAW you may find that you need more time on composition or media based modules than on the performance ones. Applicants are quizzed at the interview stage about how much time they will be able to put towards their study, and this is judged on a case by case basis.
Students have access to all course materials through the AMSonline dashboard, this includes PDFs, audio files, video lessons and other materials (eg podcasts) and also the UWL Electronic Library. Students are also entitled to face to face video sessions on a weekly basis with their tutor, mentors and supervisors. These sessions are arranged between the student and the member of the AMSonline team. As such there are no ‘live lessons’ and there is no timetable.
Yes, the model is designed to be able to work for those that are working; indeed; most AMSOnline students are in full or part-time employment, particularly as most are freelance musicians.
Yes, AMS Online courses are validated for worldwide delivery, and the qualifications are internationally recognised.
All courses are written, taught and assessed in English.
*UPDATE* From June 2024 we can also assess in German
Yes, so long as you are able to demonstrate competence with written and spoken English, our admissions team will guide you further on this following application. *UPDATE* We are also able to accept students for whom German is their first language.
Yes, there is an active AMSonline forum where current and former students regularly interact. There are also regular master class sessions and live casts to the various AMSonline platforms in a number of related areas. Employment, collaboration and research opportunities from external organisations, students, employers etc are shared with students as and when they arise.
No. AMSOnline is much more like traditional college. It is a single enrolment for a particular course of study, not single enrolments on individual modules. You will need to submit coursework to specific deadlines each semester and if you cannot do that you will need to complete a mitigating circumstances form.
Only on the BA Hons Top-Up. The other courses are delivered full time.
About Finance
Eligible UK nationals and long-term residents are entitled to tuition fee loans for both the undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications (apart from those from Scotland). Those from further afield will need to fund their studies independently or access their own student loan system in order to gain tuition fee support.
No. Distanced Learning Programmes that are validated for online delivery generally do not qualify for maintenance loan or grants towards living costs. Having said that student finance in the UK is judged on a case by case basis, and should you be in receipt of certain learning support diagnosis and/or a need for additional help you may find that you are eligible for additional support through student finance. When you apply for student finance your eligibility will be determined.
That is because AMS Online are a course provider, not an institution. The institution you will be studying with is University of West London, so when the finance application asks ‘Where will you study?’ You need to answer; University of West London
No. Not for undergraduate study. The Scottish funding system for higher education is different to that in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. As a Scottish National you will be entitled to undergraduate support for programmes delivered in Scotland, or in England (if you choose to relocate to England), but not for distance learning programmes.
Yes. unlike undergraduate study you will be entitled to funding for the Masters, please get in touch.
You pay our validating university direct (University of West London). After you have registered there will be a delay of approximately two weeks before you hear from UWL. You can pay in 3 instalments split 33/33/34, or in one bulk sum. Payment is via money transfer following invoice. There are no additional fees or interest added.
No, the fees are set in partnership with UWL and cannot be discounted.
No, there are currently no bursaries or scholarships available for these programmes.
About Fast Track
Fast Track is available to industry professionals that can provide robust evidence of 5 or more years experience working in the music industry. It means they can study just the BA (Hons) Top up and gain a degree in 12 months without necessarily having studied the first two years.
You will need 3 or more links to your work in music – these could be performances, streaming services, professional website, YouTube channels, Soundcloud pages etc etc. You will also need an up to date CV, references from two people that have worked with you in music, an entry essay and successful interview via zoom that will help inform us why you think you should be considered for the course.
Yes. You will be credited with 240 credits at levels 4 & 5 as experience on your grade transcript at the end of the programme. You will have been offered the opportunity to study the 120 credits on the BA (Hons) top-up programme, and those will be your certified credits (at level 6). This gives you the full 360 credit undergraduate Bachelors, with honours.
No. The process is different. For the Masters, it is called RPL, and it involves mapping all the learning outcomes of our BA Hons programme against your experience and prior qualifications. It is a long-winded and detailed process that cannot be guaranteed and can also take up to 3 months to be signed off. The most straightforward way to apply for the Masters is to have a BA first.
No. You cannot register to study two programmes of different levels at the same time and that is not what fast track is for. You should complete your BA first, then apply for the masters.
About Certification
No. You will be awarded with a BA (Hons) in Music & Sound and the certificate will be no different. Your year 1 & 2 experience (240 credits at levels 4 & 5) will be credited on your grade transcript also.
Your certificate will say University of West London on it. AMS Online will appear in your grade transcript as course provider, but not on the certificate itself.
Absolutely. All AMSOnline courses are validated by the University of West London and the qualifications are internationally recognised.
So long as the institution you are applying for is happy to accept applicants with a UK masters qualification then yes.
No, your certificate will not mention that it was an online programme of study.